Serial Communications Library
Copyright (c) 2005, Brian E. Heilig
Eiffel Forum License v2 (see license.txt)
-- Create an uninitialized comm properties structure.
-- Create this structure from an extant, open communications device.
-- Throws an exception if call to GetCommProperties fails.
-- Size of the driver's internal input buffer, in bytes.
-- A value of zero indicates that the value is unavailable.
-- Size of the driver's internal output buffer, in bytes.
-- A value of zero indicates that the value is unavailable.
-- Maximum allowable baud rate. See selectable baud rates in COM_PROP_CONSTANTS
-- for possible values.
-- Maximum size of the driver's internal input buffer, in bytes. A value of
-- zero indicates that no maximum value is imposed by the serial provider.
-- Maximum size of the driver's internal output buffer, in bytes. A value
-- of zero indicates that no maximum value is imposed by the serial provider.
-- Size of the entire data packet, regardless of the amount
-- of data requested, in bytes.
-- Version of the structure.
-- Capabilities offered by the provider. See provider capabilities in
-- COM_PROP_CONSTANTS for possible values.
-- Provider-specific data. Clients should ignore this member
-- unless they have detailed information about the format of
-- the data required by the provider.
-- Provider-specific data. Clients should ignore this member
-- unless they have detailed information about the format of
-- the data required by the provider.
-- Communications-provider type. See provider sub types in COM_PROP_CONSTANTS
-- for possible values.
-- Bitmask indicating which services are implemented by this provider.
-- Sp_serial_comm is always specified for communications providers,
-- including modem providers.
-- A bit mask of baud rates that can be used. See selectable baud rates in
-- COM_PROP_CONSTANTS for possible values.
-- Bit mask of possible settings for data word size. See selectable data bits in
-- COM_PROP_CONSTANTS for possible values.
-- Communications parameters that can be changed. See settable parameters in
-- COM_PROP_CONSTANTS for possible values.
-- Stop bit and parity settings that can be selected. See selectable stop bits and
-- selectable parity scheme in COM_PROP_CONSTANTS for possible values.
-- Fill this structure with comms most recent properties.
-- Throws an exception if call to get comm properties fails.
Information about a given communications driver.