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Device Control Block (DCB) constants used by class COM_DEVICE_CONTROL_BLOCK


Serial Communications Library


Copyright (c) 2005, Brian E. Heilig


Eiffel Forum License v2 (see license.txt)




feature -- Access (Baud Rate)

Baud_110: INTEGER

-- A baud rate of 110 symbols per second.

Baud_115200: INTEGER

-- A baud rate of 115.2 kilo symbols per second.

Baud_1200: INTEGER

-- A baud rate of 1200 symbols per second.

Baud_128000: INTEGER

-- A baud rate of 128 kilo symbols per second.

Baud_14400: INTEGER

-- A baud rate of 14.4 kilo symbols per second.

Baud_19200: INTEGER

-- A baud rate of 19.2 kilo symbols per second.

Baud_2400: INTEGER

-- A baud rate of 2400 symbols per second.

Baud_256000: INTEGER

-- A baud rate of 256 kilo symbols per second.

Baud_300: INTEGER

-- A baud rate of 300 symbols per second.

Baud_38400: INTEGER

-- A baud rate of 38.4 kilo symbols per second.

Baud_4800: INTEGER

-- A baud rate of 4800 symbols per second.

Baud_56000: INTEGER

-- A baud rate of 56 kilo symbols per second.

Baud_57600: INTEGER

-- A baud rate of 57.6 kilo symbols per second.

Baud_600: INTEGER

-- A baud rate of 600 symbols per second.

Baud_9600: INTEGER

-- A baud rate of 9600 symbols per second.

feature -- Access (Parity)

Even_parity: INTEGER

-- Parity bit sent for each data word. The number of ones
-- in the data byte and the parity bit is always even.

Mark_parity: INTEGER

-- An additional mark bit is sent for each data word.

No_parity: INTEGER

-- No parity bit is sent

Odd_parity: INTEGER

-- Parity bit sent for each data word. The number of ones
-- in the data byte and the parity bit is always odd

Space_parity: INTEGER

-- An additional space bit is sent for each data word.

feature -- Access (Stop Bits)

One_5_stop_bits: INTEGER

-- 1 mark is sent for odd data words, and 2 marks are sent
-- for even data words, for an average of 1.5 marks per word.

One_stop_bit: INTEGER

-- A mark is sent for each data word, indicating the
-- end of the word.

Two_stop_bits: INTEGER

-- 2 marks are sent for each data word, indicating the
-- end of the word.

feature -- Access (data bits)

Eight_data_bits: INTEGER

-- Five data bits per word

Five_data_bits: INTEGER

-- Five data bits per word

Seven_data_bits: INTEGER

-- Five data bits per word

Six_data_bits: INTEGER

-- Five data bits per word

feature -- Access (data-terminal-ready control flow)

Dtr_control_disable: INTEGER

-- Disables the DTR line when the device is opened
-- and leaves it disabled.

Dtr_control_enable: INTEGER

-- Enables the DTR line when the device is opened
-- and leaves it on.

Dtr_control_handshake: INTEGER

-- Enables DTR handshaking. When in use the DTR line can not be
-- directly controlled.

feature -- Access (request-to-send control flow)

Rts_control_disable: INTEGER

-- Disables the RTS line when the device is opened
-- and leave it disabled.

Rts_control_enable: INTEGER

-- Enables the RTS line when the device is opened
-- and leave it on.

Rts_control_handshake: INTEGER

-- Enables RTS handshaking. The driver raises the RTS line when the
-- "type-ahead" (input) buffer is less than one-half full and lowers
-- the RTS line when the buffer is more than three-quarters full.
-- When in use the RTS line can not be directly controlled.

Rts_control_toggle: INTEGER

-- Specifies that the RTS line will be high if bytes are available
-- for transmission. After all buffered bytes have been sent, the
-- RTS line will be low. Not available on Windows Me/98/95


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