Serial Communications Library
Copyright (c) 2005, Brian E. Heilig
Eiffel Forum License v2 (see license.txt)
-- Fill with default values.
-- Default is 9600 8N1 with flow control
-- disabled
-- Set defaults, then fill using a device control string.
-- Throws an exception if str is not understood by BuildCommDCB
-- Fill the structure with the control settings of an extant, open
-- communications resource. Throws an exception if failed.
-- Baud rate at which the communications device operates
-- Number of bits in the bytes transmitted and received.
-- DTR (data-terminal-ready) flow control scheme to be used
-- Character used to signal the end of data.
-- Character used to replace bytes received with a parity error.
-- Character used to signal an event.
-- Parity scheme used for transmit and receive.
-- RTS (request-to-send) flow control scheme to be used
-- Number of stop bits to be used.
-- XOFF character for both transmission and reception.
-- Maximum number of bytes allowed in the input buffer before flow
-- control is activated to allow transmission by the sender. The
-- maximum number of bytes allowed is calculated by subtracting this
-- value from the size, in bytes, of the input buffer.
-- XON character for both transmission and reception.
-- Minimum number of bytes allowed in the input buffer before flow
-- control is activated to inhibit the sender
-- Is other attached to an object considered equal
-- to current object?
-- Replace errors with error_char?
-- Discard received null characters?
-- Terminate all read and write operations when an error occurs?
-- The driver will not accept any further communications operations
-- until the comm error is cleared.
-- Binary mode enabled?. Windows does not support
-- nonbinary mode transfers, so this member must be TRUE.
-- Monitor CTS (clear-to-send) for output flow control? When True
-- and remote CTS is off, output is suspended until CTS is received.
-- Monitor DSR (data-set-ready) for output flow control? When True
-- and remote DSR is off, output is suspended until DSR is received.
-- Is the communications driver sensitive to the state of the DSR
-- signal? The driver ignores any bytes received, unless the DSR
-- modem input line is high.
-- Check receive parity and report errors?
-- Continue transmit when xoff_char is sent? When True
-- transmission continues after the input buffer has come within
-- xoff_lim bytes of being full and the driver has transmitted
-- the xoff_char to stop receiving bytes. When False transmission
-- does not continue until the input buffer is within xon_lim
-- bytes of being empty and the driver has transmitted the
-- xon_char to resume reception.
-- Is a_baud a valid baud rate? True only indicates the
-- operating system supports this rate. The device may not.
-- Is a_data_bits a valid data bits setting?
-- Is dtr a valid dtr control constant?
-- Is a_parity a valid parity setting?
-- Is rts a valid rts control constant?
-- Is a_stop_bit a valid stop bits setting?
-- Set is_parity_checked to a_value
-- Set is_tx_continued_on_xoff to a_value
-- Fill the DCB using str which conforms to the mode
-- command line parameter structure.
-- [baud=b] [parity=p] [data=d] [stop=s] [to={on|off}]
-- [xon={on|off}] [odsr={on|off}] [octs={on|off}]
-- [dtr={on|off|hs}] [rts={on|off|hs|tg}] [idsr={on|off}]
-- Obsolete format is still supported. Example, "9600,n,8,1"
-- Throws an exception if BuildCommDCB fails.
-- Fill the structure with the current state of comm.
-- Throws an exception if failed.
-- Set baud_rate with a_baud_rate
-- Set byte_size to a_byte_size
-- Change all settings to default values.
-- Default is 9600 8N1 with flow control
-- disabled
-- Set parity to a_parity
-- Set stop_bits to a_stop_bits
-- Converts a_baud_rate in symbols per second
-- to a baud rate setting
-- Converts a_data_bits in number of data bits to a data bits setting
-- Converts a_parity_char to a parity setting
-- Converts a_stop_bits in number of stop bits to a stop bits setting
Control settings for a serial communications device.